3.1.1. Fair IP Rights

Reversing the tax treatment of IP is the easiest immediate step to take. This means that any preferential tax treatment of royalties or other income (rent) deriving from IP, such as lower tax rates or higher exemptions on such income, must immediately be withdrawn. They should be replaced by the opposite: income from IP (rent) must be taxed preferably at higher rates, and more progressively, than income from selling actual goods or services.

In addition, the draft EU Copyright Directive must be fundamentally reviewed, in order to obtain much more balanced rights of users, re-users, creators and innovators. A European "fair use" concept must be created, with broad applications, and based on the fundamental  principle of freedom of speech.

Introduce a general principle of IP release: any IP belonging to a legal entity which either goes bankrupt, is liquidated or otherwise ceases to function, must be released into the public domain. Equally, any IP ceases to be valid on the death of the inventor/creator.